Carmen Mazijn
In November 2019, Carmen Mazijn started her PhD on the Fairness of Artificial Intelligent systems. Her research takes place in an interdisciplinary consortium where she contributes with her mathematics and political sciences background. She looks at what it means for an algorithm to be fair, different fairness notions of machine learning systems and how to interrogate black-box algorithms. She is also engaged as EUTOPIA PhD representative and represents the Faculty of Social Sciences & Solvay Business School in the University Council.
Machine Learning
Automated Decision Making
key publications
Mazijn, C., Danckaert, J., & Ginis, V. (2021). How Do the Score Distributions of Subpopulations Influence Fairness Notions? In How Do the Score Distributions of Subpopulations Influence Fairness Notions? (pp. 767-776). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).